Alliance Launches the Only Exclusive Football Pitch for Girls in the UAE

At Alliance Football Club, we are proud to announce the launch of the only exclusive football pitch for girls in the UAE. This new pitch is a testament to our ongoing commitment to fostering the development of young female athletes in an environment specifically designed to empower and inspire them.

Having the right environment is crucial to cultivating growth, especially when it comes to nurturing the talents of young girls. In a world where opportunities for female athletes have historically been limited, we believe that providing a dedicated, all-female space will encourage our players to develop their skills with confidence and focus. Our exclusive pitch creates a culture of support, collaboration, and high-level training, which are vital components for the development of young athletes, both on and off the field.

Giving girls what they deserve!

Brand new “Girls Only” football pitch!

With a coaching team that includes some of the best in the industry—Jess Simnett, Alena Moulton, Ebony Thompson, and Sophia Msetti—each girl will receive world-class training tailored to their individual needs. We believe that this all-female coaching team will not only serve as mentors but also as role models, demonstrating what is possible for women in sports.

Our mission is simple: to provide the highest quality football experience for girls in the UAE and create an environment where they can excel. This exclusive pitch is more than just a space to train—it's a platform for girls to grow, compete, and pursue their dreams in a supportive community.

At Alliance Football Club, we believe that every girl deserves the opportunity to shine, and we are leading the way in building the future of women’s football in Dubai. We look forward to seeing the next generation of female athletes thrive in this unique space.


Girls Dominate the League