Alliance Women’s Vice-Captain hands over Brand New Football Kits to Vietnam

Alliance Football Club is not only dedicated to the beautiful game but also to making a difference in the world. As part of its #alliancegives charity initiative, the club recently sent brand new football kits to Vietnam. The kits were delivered by the vice-captain of the women's team, Andrea Yague, during her school trip in February.

For many of the kids in Vietnam, receiving brand new clothes is a luxury they have never experienced. The football kits not only provide the kids with the opportunity to play the game they love, but they also give them a sense of pride and belonging. It's heartwarming to see how something as simple as a football kit can bring so much joy to these children.

Andrea Yague

Andrea (16) is the vice captain of Alliance Women Team. She’s always puts everyone on top of her priorities. A true captain and a kind human being.

This isn't the first time that Alliance Football Club has sent football kits to a developing country. The club regularly sends kits to countries like Zimbabwe, Nigeria, and Ethiopia as part of their #alliancegives initiative. These donations not only provide children with the opportunity to play football but also promote a healthy and active lifestyle.

The impact of these donations goes beyond just playing the game. Football has the power to bring communities together and break down barriers. It teaches teamwork, communication, and discipline, all valuable life skills that can be applied both on and off the field.

Alliance Football Club is setting a great example for other clubs around the world. It shows that football is not just about winning games and trophies, but also about making a positive impact in the world. We hope that more clubs will follow in their footsteps and use their platform to make a difference in the world.

In conclusion, the donation of brand new football kits to Vietnam by Alliance Football Club is a testament to their commitment to making a positive impact in the world. The club's #alliancegives initiative has provided children in developing countries with the opportunity to play the game they love and learn valuable life skills. We applaud Alliance Football Club for their efforts and hope that more clubs will follow in their footsteps.


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